As the sands of time drop through the hourglass, such are the days of our lives, or something like that if I remember correctly. This phrase has been on my mind this week since there is just one more week left for visitors to come and enjoy the Ponderosa Sun Club with us this season.
I am only in my second season here at the camp and I am starting to get these bitter sweet feelings in my head, another completed season, another year in the books you might say.
But then you could also think about the time you spent with all the great people during the season. In a few days when the Ponderosa starts closing things down for the upcoming fall and winter, the unique swimming pool will be drained and winterized for another Midwest, below zero winter, parts of the camp will be closed off to prevent freezing temperature damage, well when that all starts to happen, it will feel like yin and yang for me.
So lets just leave those thoughts right there for one more week and talk about this past weekends, "Bean Eating Bonanza". Yes there was a bean cooking and eating fest at the Ponderosa last weekend, John & Gretchen and Dan & Theresa all put together a feast of beans that I don’t think I can remember ever seeing the likes of before. But what I truly and passionatley want to get into a discussion about here is the “Pot Luck” side dishes that accompany most of these member driven camp dinners. There are rules for different types of "pot lucks" you know, some of us love them some refuse to participate.
How many of you are experienced in pot luck dinners or pot luck sides or any kind of luck with a pot at all? I myself have grown up doing the "pot luck" thing, as a kid we went to picnics with family and friends where everyone brought a dish, this is different from a side dish pot luck where one group, usually the host, makes the entrée, or the main dish, and everyone else brings a different side dish. Now "pot luck" side dish can mean anything from a bag of chips, to the very popular deviled egg tray, or even the desert. Yes in this case cookies can be a "pot luck" side dish.
It seems like there are a slew of different places that I go these days that "pot luck", the spiritual center, the church, the Ponderosa Sun Club, even my Zen Class almost does it but only with tea and cookies. I began to wonder what was my favorite pot luck snack at any of these pot luck places. The answer might be the same answer as to why I am a vegetarian and not a vegan, I love those deviled eggs, no matter who brings them, (there are a ton of different recipes I have tried) I still love them.
So to sum up one of the last weeks of the season at the Ponderosa Sun Club, the bean cookout was great, but don’t slack on that appreciation for the pot luck side dishes….. One More Weekend for Day Guests
Until next week, keep it real and natural, even Au natural ………..
Tent and RV Camping is also still available until September 15, 2019.
As always for more information you can checkout the www.Ponderosasunclub.com website or call the front gate office at 219-345-2268